Item Description | Quantity/Pack |
Screw, Locking type, #4-40 x 0.25" long, P/N : SC4-27# | 42 |
Nut, square, #4-40, P/N : NT4-7# | 42 |
Washer, tooth lock, #4, P/N : W4-1# | 42 |
Hardware kit allows you install card edge connectors on rear bracketed T-strut rails of EIA Non-Metric subrack systems.
HD34 kit with 0.50" long screw and HD34B kit with 0.25" long screws.
HD34 installation detail
(Click on image to enlarge)
Hardware kit Part Number : HD34 includes following items
Item Description | Quantity/Pack |
Screw, Locking type, #4-40 x 0.50" long, P/N : SC4-28# | 42 |
Nut, square, #4-40, P/N : NT4-7# | 42 |
Washer, tooth lock, #4, P/N : W4-1# | 42 |
Hardware kit Part Number : HD34B includes following items